Swami Hiranmayanandaji Maharaj

 An Obituary of the Founder Secretary of Vidyapith

       Swami Hiranmayanandaji Maharaj passed away on 18th May 2001 at 10.55p.m. at Belur Math. He was 91. For nearly a year he was suffering from advanced stomach cancer besides various old age ailments. Initiated in 1929 by Srimat Swami Shivandaji Maharaj, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, he joined the Order at Belur Math in 1933 and had Sannyasa from Swami Virajanandaji Maharaj in 1943. He was elected a Trustee of the Ramakrishna Math and a member of the Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1973, and served as General Secretary of the Order from April 1985 to February 1989. Apart from serving as head of Rangoon (now Yangoon), Deoghar, Vrindaban, Baghbazar, Bombay and Delhi centres, he was the founder Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Purulia and also served in various capacities at Bhubaneswar, Madras, Institute of Culture, Golpark and Mysore centres. A scholar with wide interests, he was well-read in Sanskrit, Bengali and English literature. He also authored a few books which have been well received by the public. Well known for his large heart and open mind, he showed active interest in all matters concerning Ramakrishna Math and Mission till the end of his life. His body was cremated at Belur Math on 19th May 2001 around 9.30 am.


Contributed by Br. Debanjan (1990).

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