
We are deeply grieved by the untimely demise of Swami Lokeswarananda, the founder of the Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission and secretary of the Golpark RKM Institute of Culture. This appeal came from him a few months before he died:

Dear Friend:

The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in Calcutta is now sixty years old. As years go by, it is becoming more popular. Right now there are students from many countries, some learning philosophy and Sanskrit, others engaged in research. The Institute has, however, a problem: There is no place where we can accomodate our growing activities. We approached the Government and they have kindly offered us some land at a reasonable price. The cost of land and buildings would be enormous.

We, therefore, appeal to all our friends for generous help so that the Institute can continue to serve mankind as it is doing now. We need approximately Rs. 5 Crores for the piece of land and construction. We hope you will do your level best to contribute to the fund of the project. Those who live in the United States may give tax deductable donations in the name of "The Ramakrishna Foundation". The cheques can be written in its favor, with a letter stating that the donations are for the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, and sent to:
The Ramakrishna Foundation
2017 North Vine Street Hollywood,
California 90068

Yours sincerely,
Swami Lokeswarananda,
Secretary The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture,
Golpark, Calcutta, India 700029.

U.S. Contact:
Prof. Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay, 35 Bethwood Drive,
Loudonville, NY 12211, 518-786-7709, mukhon@rpi.edu

Dr. Sadhan Jana, 1187 Hillside Ave, 1B1,
Niskayuna, NY 12309, 518-346-3970, scjana@worldnet.att.net

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